Rosie D.
Reforming the Mental Health System in Massachusetts

Network Design

The core of the home-based services network will be Community Services Agencies (CSAs).  There will be twenty-nine local CSAs, each responsible for those cities and towns that match the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Area Office boundaries.  There will be three state-wide CSAs responsible for specific minority communities.  Each CSA will conduct comprehensive home-based assessments, provide intensive care coordination, oversee care planning teams, identify services, and in many cases, provide certain home-based services. Each CSA must create and support a Local Systems of Care Committee.  For a detailed description of a CSA, read the Feature on Community Service Agencies


CSAs are providers in the MassHealth network and contract with the five managed care organizations to serve all Medicaid-eligible children in its geographical area. In March 2009, MBHP selected the 32 CSAs.  Contracts were executed with each CSA and each managed care entity in April.  MassHealth provided start up funding for CSA development and implementation activities.  View the list of the CSAs 


MassHealth and the managed care entities have developed a CSA Operations Manual that includes: mission and goals, team and plan development provisons, service delivery standards, staffing and training requirements, interagency collaboration expectations, utilization management standards, performance measures, and documentation requirements.  View the Operations Manual.


All five of the managed care entities jointly have developed a common provider network for each of the remedial services.  View a list of the home-based service providers


All five of the managed care entities jointly have established authorization parameters for each service. Each entity will use its own operational procedures for authorizing services.  Read the service authorization parameters.   


Rates for all services were developed by MassHealth and are available on its website. 

Center for Public Representation

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