Step 8: Covered Services
The Commonwealth is developing an array of home-based services that can be delivered to children in their homes or in other community settings. These are strength-based, individualized services that focus on the needs of children and their families. They are designed to help children succeed at home, and avoid unnecessary hospitalization or residential placements.
A single care manager will work with families to identify a child’s needs and goals, select and oversee a single treatment team, and coordinate all services under one treatment plan. The families actively participate in the planning process and guide the treatment decisions.
Under the Court’s order in Rosie D. several discrete home-based services will be available to children with SED. These services include:
- Intensive care coordination involves a single care coordinator, a single treatment team, and a single treatment plan that guide the provision of all mental health and related support services.
Begins: July 1, 2009
A comprehensive home-based assessment includes an in-depth review of past records and treatment, a home visit, multiple interviews with family members, teacher and other collaterals, and leads to a strength-based assessment of the child and his or her needs.
Begin: July 1, 2009
Family Training and support services provides a family partner to assist families participate in the wraparound planning process, access services, and navigate complicated child-serving agencies.
Begins: July 1, 2009
Mobile crisis intervention will be available 24/7 to provide short-term emergency care in the home to evaluate and treat a child in crisis, without the necessity to go to an emergency room or medical facility. Begins: July 1, 2009
Crisis stabilization provides staff and treatment in the home or another community setting for up to seven days.
Begins: December 1, 2009
In-home behavioral services address challenging behaviors in the home and community. A behavioral therapist writes and monitors a behavioral management plan with the family, while a behavioral aide works with the family to implement the plan in the home and in the community.
Begins: October 1, 2009
In-home therapy services address social or emotional issues. A mental health therapist provides counseling and therapy to the child and family. The therapist may be assisted by an aide who provides support the child in the home, school or community/recreational settings.
Begins: November 1, 2009
Therapeutic Mentoring helps a child develop independent living, social and communication skills, as well as providing education, training and support services for children and their families.
Begins: October 1, 2009
For the eligibility criteria for each service, see the medical necessity criteria for mobile crisis intervention, crisis stabilization, intensive care coordination, family partners, in-home behavior, in-home therapy, and therapeutic mentoring.
For a detailed description of each service, see the service specifications for mobile crisis intervention, crisis stabilization, intensive care coordination, family partners, in-home behavior, in-home therapy, and therapeutic mentoring.